Opasna Irma poštedela je Haiti i Dominikansku Republiku, ali se ipak obrušio ostrvo sa jakim vetrovima i jakom kišom.
Nakon smrtonosnog Harvija, Americi preti uragan Irma, koja je ojačala na petu kategriju i samo što nije udarila u kopno.

A home collapsed in Fort-Liberte, in northeast Haiti, because of Hurricane Irma's winds and rainfall, Sept. 7, 2017. One person is seen inside the home but no one was injured.

Cloudy skies begin to darken as Hurricane Irma starts to unleash its winds and rains in Fort-Liberte, Haiti, Sept. 7, 2017.

Two men walk away from a flooded area in Fort-Liberté, Haiti, where a tree collapsed in the main street. Hurricane Irma continues to approach the north coast of Haiti with heavy rain and strong winds, Sept. 7, 2017.

Food is unloaded at the Civil Protection warehouse in Fort-Liberté, Haiti, as Hurricane Irma moves closer to Haiti's north coast, Sept. 7, 2017.